Rust away, runaway.
Where should we go?

Name: Alun
Age: 27
Height: 4′9″
Gender: Female
Nameday: 31st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Au ra, Xaela
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Languages: Common, Xaela, and Hingan
Distinguishing marks: An extra set of horns, and scars all over her body and tail, a strange device she wears & a shattered crystal she also wears as a necklace.

Despite being a child of the Steppes, Alun has no love or consideration for her homeland - leaving those grounds many cycles ago, she is a well-traveled sellsword who has seen many sides of what life can offer. Being in a few places after running away from the northern mountains of the Steppes, she has been under the experience and care of sky-pirates, to a twisted and gilded cage in Hingashi, and in assisting Ishgard all shaped her into a somewhat skilled fighter, almost soldier-like once in the field. She will take any kind of work, though the usual vary between taking both official and unofficial hunts and work, or any other service that pikes her interest or can test her abilities. - she will easily hear your request for the right price.

Seemingly bobbing between emotions, the Xaela is often soft-spoken and quiet, matching her monotone voice following a cold, focused personality. However, often there will be a quick shift into grins and prod, whilst often being rude - she is terribly curious and cautious both when it comes to strangers. It's difficult to tell her true intent or feelings on a matter based on word or expression alone, despite her sarcasm and playfulness remaining. Still, her mannerisms are quite easy to read if you know where to look, behind practiced expressions is... a tail! She can't really hide most of it if you get the habit of reading her through her tail instead.

Despite all these years of traveling, her wanderlust has still found no rest as she still keeps exploring whenever she can. The usual stress and movement when living in an airship, along with the training in Kugane and the chaos of Ishgardian conflicts have given her a particular taste for adrenaline, where she doesn't feel too comfortable standing idle for too long, though she still appreciates the small, lazy moments she can get.For that reason she can often be seen traveling, making monsters into food, experimenting with herbs & flora, or fiddling with mechanical gadgets often of Garlean nature.

Likes | Dislikes |
Drinking | Mages |
Tinkering | Religion |
People-watching | Xaela |
Magitek | Forgiving |
Sparring | Red |
"Aye, I've seen that Xaela around. She makes frequent visits to a local clinic - seems like she got a nasty wound during the Steel War." — Temple Knight
"Did you hear? There's word of a monster up in the mountains that wards off anyone that goes there. I think there's something up there its after - for a beast to live in such a place." — Superstitious Geiko
"We saw an Au ra with four horns roaming back in distant posts... She seemed to be just scavenging and ignored us, but we heard the soldiers around weren't as lucky." — Garlean Refugee
Alun is a rather short Au Ra, toned despite her small frame, adorning her head are four horns that point inwards, the top-left one seems to have a crack that looks bigger every now and then. She seems to have way more scales than usual Au Ra and her tail is equally longer and larger. She has long dark blue hair that's kept in a braid most time, though it's not unlikely to see it lose or kept in other fashions if the occasion calls for it. Her eyes are of gold, amber-like iris’, with bright yellow limbals that contrast with a black sclera. She seems to have her hands and wrists always covered in bandages. Multiple parts of her body seem scarred here and there, but it is a bit rare to see the Xaela displaying much skin save for her arms or shoulders.
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As mentioned before, Alun is a well-traveled character. She has more hooks than listed below and all can be easily used to interact with her, as well as some that I'd rather discuss first. All of the hooks below can be easily used as almost everywhere is a place to find her. Easy to go with or discussed first hooks will be split between the amount of ◆.
Some of the hooks not mentioned here that should be discussed; Decaying Health, Omenborn, and Infamous Vessel.

Xaela Runaway ◆Back in the Steppes, Alun had to leave her tribe up in the mountains which led to her fleeing from the Azim Steppes completely, whatever reason that brought her to do so also made her wary of other Xaela. Afraid that there might be people looking for her - she not only avoids but scowls at others of her own kind, avoiding them if possible but not always - such distaste is slowly decreasing but she still won't hesitate to pick fights or put an attitude against Xaela.(Any Xaela is more than welcome to interact with her, though it's bound to have some kind of reaction.)

Compromised Aether ◆For anyone with a keen sense of aether, it is easy to say that Alun's aether is somewhat suppressed for some reason. She wears a necklace that seems to work almost like a filter for her own aether and often needs to force out some kind of casting for it to not be stagnant. Whatever it seems to be taking a toll on her health too.(She has a very interesting condition to her aether, one that can be easily noticed by someone who has the ability or knowledge to do so. She also seems to have a very noticeable potential for conjury, despite her aversion to mages. However you reach out to her about it would be valid, as there's no attempt of concealing either of those.)

Wanderer ◆Alun has been and seen many places, never staying in one place for too long as her residence is Etheirys itself. Her time with sky-pirates allowed her to visit many corners of both land, sea, and sky - until settling within a Hingan Lord's Estate, along with his criminal business. It's not hard to see or hear about the four-horned Xaela, be it from most corners of Eorzea and Hingashi - along with her feats and connections with others.(Alun can be found pretty much anywhere, though she's being more active and seen often around Ilsabard, it is not hard to find the four-horned Xaela just wandering somewhere else. She has a small reputation that can make it quite easy to find her if necessary.)

Yet another sellsword ◆After this wandering life from one corner of the skies to other distant lands over east and west, Alun has finally settled to make her own life and income. Her training in both places taught her a variety of skills, with a moderate knowledge of different weapons - though recently she has been using a custom-made Gunblade and taking up hunts, official or not.
(Alun is willing to do any kind of job, hunting creatures and men alike, bodyguard, deliveries or subterfuge or simply doing some odd job - as long as there is some kind of pay, she is interested. )
Curiosity over morals ◆As she lived recluse for most of her life, her curiosity about the world and land knows no bounds, willing to see and try all that she can, be it dangerous or not. To exploring or studying, or simply meddling with questionable sorts - she won’t hesitate to take a reckless decision to see or try something new.(Every good or bad character can have an interesting experience with Alun and are welcome to do so as pretty much anything that can pique her interest, her unbalanced morals are a way to go for interesting interactions.)

Ishgardian War ◆◆Alun was part of a long conflict in Ishgard, the cold lands were at war with its neighboring beastmen, the Ixal. The Xaela was but one of the many hired swords to aid in their conflict, which cast a different light on herself, and on the Ishgardian ways in her eyes.(The war had impacts on Alun, one could potentially recognize her from the frontlines, the foul-mouthed Xaela was but one of lesser few of her kind that heard Ishgard's call. Not only that, she has acquired a few severe wounds during that time - that despite healing now, still have signs of bothering her in sharp pains. She has a very particular opinion about Ishgardian folk now, especially the Temple Knights.)

Ex-Skypirate ◆◆Before this current lifestyle, Alun was under the wings of strange pirates that often negotiated with Garleans, doing all sorts of jobs that stained her far too much, she has a story and an acquired taste for it, which caused her a certain need for being stronger, and putting herself in any form of danger.(Related to sea and sky, anyone related to the piracy side of things, be supporting or against it, might have heard of a small, four-horned Xaela before. Though the crew she was in is no more, one could remember the impacts they had, and Alun staining her hands in their works.)

Hidden lair ◆◆◆After years of traveling without a stop, Alun has finally settled on a place she can call her own - building from literal ashes, the scorched ruins of what once was an extravagant building have now become a hidden lair for the Xaela - comfortable but isolated in the mountains around Kugane.(Alun's house works as both her home and her workshop, at first glance, it looks like an abandoned building up in the mountains, but further into and underneath is still very much the metal, scorched wrecking it used to be, turned into a home. It seems that this place was familiar to some, perhaps you stumbled here by accident, or maybe you were a customer of this previous establishment.)
✦ ooc ―
Hello, I'm Shizu!Alun is an old-ish, well-traveled character and most themes can work quite easily with her, though saying that, darker themes will often be where she will most likely be. However, there is room for some light-hearted stuff regardless.I enjoy discussing head-canons and building up things to RP, establishing certain plots or interactions beforehand is fine too but I do prefer roleplaying it out and letting it flow however it goes naturally for our characters, as I am looking for any kind of interaction with Alun.For the sake of the themes played, and my own comfort, I'd like to maintain interactions and RP with people only 21+.I am a para-roleplayer but I can, and most likely will adjust & mirror my RP partner.I’m online most of the day(GMT-3) but due to IRL circumstances, RP often has to be scheduled with me!Feel free to throw me a message so we can talk about our characters and see when and what we can do with them!I do both discord and in-game RP, but please have in mind that English is not my first language, and I can be a bit slow while RPing in-game. Please bear with me or let’s just do Discord instead.You can contact me in-game (Alun Ura, Balmung), my discord (Alun#1949).